Monday, June 1, 2020

CARE Award Excellence & Innovation: Personal Passion

LI: To create a google draw on my personal passion

The above google draw showcases my personal passion which is Art and Craft. This is my first CARE Award Task for Excellence and Innovation badge. I always liked art since my childhood as I saw my mom doing beautiful art on cloth. The blend and bright colors in the paintings I saw, made it look realistic. Seeing these beautiful pieces of art mesmerized and inspired me to take interest in art. Even though I love art a lot but it wouldn't be my occupation in the future and will always remain my hobby. By completing this task I could learn and think more about my personal passion. 


  1. Hi Sakshi!
    I am Marie and I found your blog on the Internet. I really liked this google draw on your personal passion. I liked your hat, how did you make that? All the best!

  2. Kia ora Marie!
    I am glad you liked my google draw and thank you for the awesome feedback. I made this hat for my Tech class and is a steampunk hat. I made this hat out of cardboard and used tape to join them. Then I pasted black paper on it with glue. I made the sunglasses as well as the wire on top out of aluminium foil. The bullets and the clock is made of paper. Making this hat was this was quite hard but I enjoyed to make it. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog and it was nice talking to you.


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