Tuesday, June 9, 2020

CARE Awards: Confidence Teaching to make a DLO

LI: To teach a junior student to create a DLO on their learning.

The above google slide showcases the presentation made for my fifth and final CARE Award Task to achieve the Confidence badge. After completing this presentation I myself came to know a lot about DLO's. I discovered some different types of DLO's such as google forms, google sites etc. Teaching my brother was a very difficult job as this was something very new for him. Finally he made his own DLO on the maori numbers. I am glad he came to know how to create a DLO. I am looking forward for my other CARE Award Tasks and I am excited to get my Confidence badge this Friday.


  1. Kia ora Sakshi, I have been exploring your presentation, very impressive. I was glad to see that you included the information about aligning your text. This is very helpful for new students.
    Slide 7 is a perfect ending...teaching your brother to create a DLO and including the photo. I am confident that chromebook users of any age would find your presentation valuable.
    Congratulations and all the best for Friday...I am guessing you will receive your award at assembly... well done!
    Mrs Grant

    1. Kia ora Ms. Grant,
      I am glad you liked to read my DLO and thank you so much for the amazing feedback. Aligning is very important as it gives a perfect look to the text. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog.


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