Thursday, September 10, 2020

Art: Sunflower Painting

 LI: To paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.

The above google draw showcases is a photo montage of my work. We first learned to draw what we see and use all the space available as well as think about the tone and the shading needed. To understand it properly we then took a look at the different paintings made by Vincent Van Gogh to mark it as an example. We then practiced adding many layers of paints as it makes the painting look more effective. We also learnt about adding two or more colors in different proportions and making new colors which I think is very important. We then came to know about other rules required to make this painting which were, not overloading the brush with extra paint, dabbing, thing about the light direction and creating sharp edges and lines. I really enjoyed learning these new tricks and completing this beautiful painting.

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