Thursday, September 24, 2020

Writing: Why is it important to make wise choices?

 LI: To structure and write an explanation.

Why is it important to make wise choices?

Making wise choices is about choosing between the two paths, one leads to success and the other leads to failure. At every moment in life you have to make choices, it depends on you if you want to follow the crowd or stand out to follow your thoughts. Always keep in mind that you are the most important person in your world, nobody else. 

With this topic in mind an example that can explain it well is drugs. It is a substance that is highly addictive and can also ruin your life. Drugs are often taken due to peer pressure and depression. If you are in one of these situations, on one hand you have the option to talk to your caregivers or seek help in a positive way but, on the other hand you can take drugs and find happiness in it. This is an example that can happen to anybody in everyday life and it is important to look back and make sure you do what is right for you.

In this situation if you choose the right path you can overcome your problem. The people around you will also understand your problem and will make sure that you feel fine after some time, but if you choose the wrong path by taking drugs you do not overcome your problem, it just fades for a time. Once you are conscious you will find the problem coming back with a bigger mess which is the addiction to drugs. It is always in your hand and thus it is said to make a decision after thinking more than once. 

As drugs can be very addictive and dangerous it is better to stay away from them and do what you think is right. In conclusion, I think it is important to know that you have the situation in your hands and you can either open it to loose control or tighten it to rule over. To wrap it up, I would say that situations like drugs are just an example, and you might deal with something that is even worse just make sure that you make wise choices and think about yourself before making the decision.

The above paragraph was made on the importance of making wise choices under the topic Writing. First we set a timer for five minutes and wrote our ideas on a piece of paper so it could help us when we are writing our paragraph. Then we wrote our essay and used the DRAFT method to make further changes. This acronym stand for Delete, Rearrange, Add, Fix and Talk. It was very helpful as we followed the steps by deleting the words, rearranging the sentences, adding new words, fixing our essay and talking to our friend for learning new ideas. I really enjoyed improving my writing skills and working with Fau.

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