Friday, September 18, 2020

Tech Reflection: Corn Frittles

 LI: To follow the instructions and make corn frittles.

This week for our year 8 food technology session we went to Tamaki College and worked with Ms. Heka. The above picture showcases the dish we created . First we listened the instruction that Ms. Heka told us about the proportion of ingredients and cleaning the area where you cooked. Once we were ready we mixed the flour, baking powder and milk. Then we mixed the batter well so we do not have lumps and added the corn in it. Finally we added the oil on the pan and added the mix on it. While cooking it I came to know that I am good at flipping. It tasted so delicious and we were very happy that our hard work had a good result. I really enjoyed this week's tech class and also enjoyed working with Ms. Heka

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