Thursday, September 10, 2020

Biology: MRS C GREN

 LI: To understand the meaning behind the acronym MRS C GREN.

The above google draw is a collaborative work of Lukah, Ong, Tanisha and me. It showcases what the acronym MRS C GREN stands for and an example which is the life cycle of a sunflower. The acronym stands for the life processes in a living organism which are movement, respiration, sensitivity, cells, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. I knew the meaning of the words earlier but didn't know about the acronym and how it is used in different plants and animals. To complete this task we used collaboration, smart searching skills by skimming and scanning for key words which was useful to select and reject the information. I really enjoyed to work with my group and increase my knowledge in the field of biology.


  1. Greetings Sakshi,

    Interesting. I am really intrigued by you and your groups work. I have also done something similar like this with my group. I really do agree that this really increased the knowledge of the field of biology. Maybe next time try to explain why MRS C GREN is important in a life cycle of a living organism.

    What did you learn most about this Challenge?

    Good Job!

    1. Greetings Sulia,
      Thank you for the amazing feedback and commenting on my blog. That was a really important point, how come I forgot that. Thank you for the advice as well it was really important.
      I learned about the science words as well as their meanings. I also learnt about the acronym MRS C GREN. It was really new to me. What did you learn while completing your task?
      I am looking forward to read your blog post as well.

    2. Hey Sakshi,

      Thank you so much for the reply. I am glad that you have took my feedback. I learnt that MRS GREN had now turned into MRS C GREN. I also learnt that, there are different roles in cells. What was the most suprising Fact you found out?

      Looking foward to your reply!

  2. Hey Sulia,
    I am glad you replied. I agree with you, it really is an important fact. While learning about this topic I found many interesting facts but the one that surprised me the most was:

    1. Their are different ways a plant can reproduce.
    2. A sunflower has yellow substances called pollen which are transported by an insect to another flower leading to reproduction.

    It was really nice talking to you! I am looking forward to read your blogs as well.


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