Monday, September 21, 2020

DARE: Making Wise Choices

 LI: To create a google draw showcasing our learning on drug awareness.

The above google draw is a collaborative work of Victoria and me which showcases our learning on today's drug awareness session under Inquiry. We first faced each others back and answered the four questions written above which helped us share our ideas and opinions. Once we were ready we added our answers on a google draw. We have also added some images which explains the topic in more detail. I came to know a lot about drugs and found interesting that drugs are used in our everyday life. I enjoyed working as a team with Victoria to complete this task. 


  1. Hi Sakshi!
    The DLO you and Victoria created looks very interesting. I also think making wise choices is important so we can create our own positive path. I think some people make wrong choices when they give in to peer pressure. What are some other ways you think people take drugs?


    1. Hi Fau,
      Thank you for the amazing feedback and commenting on my blog. I really agree with you and believe that wrong choices are made when you come under peer pressure.
      There are many reasons for a person to take drugs and some of them are
      1. Depression 3. Be Happy
      2. Reduce Pain 4. Being Curious
      What do you think would be the dangerous side effects of taking or being addicted to drugs?

    2. Hi Sakshi,
      Your 4 reasons are very accurate and interesting. I totally agree with you. The side affects I think or know would be affective are;

      Can affect your heart
      Affect your mind
      Have skin breakouts

      What do you think are some dangerous side affects?

  2. Hi Fau,
    I agree with your reasons and think that they are totally true. The side effects I think are:

    1. Nausea
    2. Weight loss
    3. Abdominal pain
    4. Liver damage

    What do you think the government can do to stop such activities that involves drug using and dealing?

    1. Hi Sakshi!
      Your side affects are very true and understanding. I think making wise choices is very important. I think the government should hold some get togethers with some people who are taking drugs and became addictive. I think this could help the people change their ways from hearing other peoples stories.

      What do you think the government can do?

      Thank you!

  3. Hi Fau,
    I really agree with facts you have said. The government can also use several other ways to stop the buying and making of drugs. I think that the government can:

    1. Increase the number of dogs who checks for the drugs on the airport as it is a very common place for the exchange of drugs.
    2. The government can also spread awareness in schools, colleges and universities because it is the time when students get involved in these things
    3. They can also increase the number of house raids they do at houses and factories.

    I think that drugs must be stopped right now and the victims must be given a better environment because mostly they are innocent. It was really nice talking to you. Again thank you so much for commenting on my blog.


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