Monday, November 23, 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance

This week we were shown a performance that explained the meaning behind elements of the maori culture. They showed us the different ways they used to fight their enemies which included distraction, self defense, counter, scaring and intimidating them. They used many ornaments called the Taiaha, Poi and Te Rekau which made it more attractive. The Te Whanau Raukura were very experienced and energetic, and have also performed in the Auckland Museum. I found their facial expressions and body movements very amazing as they were very confident and it seemed quite hard. Once the performance finished Bekah came to our class and taught us a game called "Pokhana" which was a lot of fun. The rules were very easy, when we started the game we needed to face the person in the side of us and shout Pokhana and if they didn't respond or got confused they are out and sit in the centre. I really enjoyed playing this game and learning more about the maori culture.

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