Monday, January 11, 2021

SLJ (W4/A29): Sundial with Nanogirl

 LI: To create a screencastify showcasing the sundial I created.

Today, I have completed my first task of week four for the Summer Learning Journey activity and have created a screencastify that shows the sundial I created with some cardboard. First, I watched the introduction video Nanogirl has uploaded on her site and I came to know many new things. I started by learning the different mediums through which people see time now days. The two of them are digital clocks and analogue clocks, digital clocks are updated by the internet and we can clearly see the numbers through it whereas an analogue clock showcases time through needles pointing to it which is like the clock we have on our walls. But in the past, people used to see time through the sun and by making a sundial, which we would be making in this activity.

I started by collecting all the equipments that were required to run the activity which were cardboard, pencil, ruler, tape, string and glue tack. Then I made the base which is the circle and the right angled triangle which would help create the shadow. While making this activity, I really liked the way we were using mathematical terms like radius and how it had a role in making the activity more perfect. Basically, the reason why we have the same length for the triangle and the radius of the circle is because they can fit completely. Once I had created the sundial I kept it in the garden and recorded the time of how I managed my day. 

I really enjoyed completing this activity because I came to know how people in the past used to see time as well as got a fun way of making a sun clock. The part which I enjoyed the most was observing the design because I kept on going outside to see the changes. The tricky part in this activity was joining the two pieces of the sundial because I tried it with glue tack but it fell down a couple of times, so I finally decided to use tape as a replacement. I think the advice I would give to the creators who haven't done the experiment yet, is to keep the sundial at a place where it is not windy and at the same angle through which you want the picture to be clicked. I am excited to complete other Summer Learning Journey tasks as well.


  1. Hi Sakshi,
    what an amazing video, it is so clear and well put together. I love that you came out at multiple times to mark the actual time on your sundial. You have shown incredible engineering skills in building your sundial and extraordinary communication skills in your video.
    Well done!

  2. Tēnā koe Sakshi, Elle here from SLJ.

    You have done an outstanding job on the nanogirl sundial activity! Thank you for creating such a detailed screencastify and teaching us how you made your sundial! It was great that you spoke so clearly and you are a very skilled communicator. It is incredible to see you putting so much effort into your blog posts and I’m very impressed by the quality of your work!

    Thank you for also including such a detailed description of the different kinds of clocks, your process and what you liked about this activity. I am lost for words!

    It is great to see you’ve been so active in the Summer Learning Journey! You have been doing some amazing blogging and I have such a great time reading your posts! Because you have done such a wonderful job, I am going to award you some bonus points for this activity!

    Ngā mihi nui and keep it up,
    Elle (SLJ)


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