Monday, January 18, 2021

SLJ (W5/A39): Step it up Summer Symmetry

 LI: To create a piece of art and find the line of symmetry in it.


The above picture is the third task for this week of the Summer Learning Journey that I have completed today. For this Step it up activity I started by watching the introduction video that explained the challenge, which was to create a piece of art and make it symmetrical. The first thing that clicked in my mind was the leaf art we did in one of the previous activities. Then, I searched for some ideas on google, I saw so many but most of them did not have a line of symmetry. Soon I noticed one picture of an owl and thought that it is pretty much symmetrical. The challenging part in this activity was making the leaves stay at their place, for example the eye, as it was too small I added some glue tac to it. I loved completing this activity because I think I have improved a lot in my leaf art. I am looking forward to do other tasks for the Summer Learning Journey as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sakshi, this is such a cool piece of artwork you have created using leaves. Good on you for thinking about past activities you have already completed that could help you complete this one, and for searching for some inspiration on google to help you.

    I really like the different shades of green in this, more in particular the green veins that run through the leaves, there's also some yellow/ light green in there which looks really cool and effective next to the brown.

    What has been your favorite activity so far during the summer?

    Mā te wā,
    Kiana-Marino (SLJ)


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