Sunday, January 17, 2021

SLJ (W4/A37): Step it up Rehua

 LI: To create a screencastify that explains the topic in more detail.

The above screencastify is the ninth task for this week of the Summer Learning Journey that I have completed today. For this Step it up activity I learnt what other cultures believe about Rehua and what the proverb actually means. As I read other articles and facts I came to know that according to other countries, Rehua is Antares, which is a star in the constellation Scorpio. Not only this, but some tribes say that Rehua can cure some or all ailments in a person. After learning all the facts, I came to know why Rehua is said to be on fire. As the constellation occurs in January, which is one of the hottest months in the year, it is said that Rehua (Antares) is on fire. I loved completing this activity because I could share my findings and facts with my readers through a screencastify. I am excited to do other tasks for the Summer Learning Journey as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Sakshi, Elle here from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Thank you for stepping it up and creating a screencastify explaining how different cultures interpret Rehua. I learned a lot thanks to your analysis! I have always found the mapping of constellations fascinating and I think it is so special that they have many forms of significance across the planet!

    I find it particularly interesting that (according to a research on mythology I’ve been looking into online) in Tahiti, Rehua represents the star-god of the New Year - especially because in Maori culture, January is the month of Rehua, which is not only the hottest month of the year, but also marks the beginning of the year!

    Which constellation do you find the most intriguing or captivating? I would love to know!

    Well done Sakshi! Thank you for putting so much effort and care into your Summer Learning Journey activities!

    Mā te wā
    Elle (SLJ)


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