Sunday, January 24, 2021

SLJ (W6/A51): Step it up That was Summer

 LI: To create a screencastify in which you narrate your poem.

The above screencastify is the seventh task for this week of the Summer Learning Journey that I have completed today. For this Step it up activity we were challenged to narrate our "that was summer poem". I first started by adding labelled for reuse pictures on a google presentation and created its layout. Then I copied and pasted the lines of my poem. The thing I liked the most about this activity was that the poem came to life as adding the pictures helped the readers create a picture in their mind. Once, I completed the poem I practiced saying the lines a couple of times and then recorded the screencastify. I loved completing this activity and I am looking forward to do other Summer Learning Journey Tasks as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sakshi

    Great work on completing this task, You’ve done an awesome job over the summer.

    The Summer learning journey is now over and we’re calculating all the points to figure out our prize winners. Sorry that I don’t have time to leave a really detailed comment but I’m just here to let you know this post will be counted towards your points.

    Well done,
    Hope you have an awesome summer and stay safe.



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