Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ (W3/A22): Kick Start Ultraviolet

 LI: To learn more about UV rays and design an indicator for our home. 

The above google draw is the second Kick Start activity for this week of the Summer Learning Journey that I have completed today. I started by learning more about Ultraviolet rays by reading interesting facts, the fluctuation in levels and its side effects. Ultraviolet rays are basically invisible and a part of the energy provided from the sun which can be very harmful at times. This topic is very important because New Zealand as one of countries in the Earth which has the highest UV Index, and preventive measures should be taken. Therefore, I have created an indicator which will be updated everyday according to the level. This would then be used by my family and me, as we will be following the rules according to the level. I liked completing this task because I could be more aware of this topic and also got a chance to spread awareness to others. I am looking forward to complete my other Summer Learning Journey tasks as well.


  1. Mōrena Sakshi, this is Elle from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Well done from providing such an informative explanation on ultraviolet rays and their presence in New Zealand. We definitely have to protect ourselves during the summer!

    This is a very cool UV indicator example, and it could be a really great guide to follow along with when making your own!

    However, the SLJ team would love to see your own work posted to your blog. It is perfectly fine if you use work from other creators to supplement your own work in your blog posts, however, the work of other creators should always be referenced. A link which includes advice on how to do so is here. Once you have completed the challenge yourself and shared it to your blog, then the SLJ team can give you the points for the activity.

    I’ll check back later to see how you’re getting on; I’m looking forward to seeing your original UV indicator DLO!

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Mōrena Elle,

      Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for commenting on my blog and for the positive feedback! Thank you for the advise as well. I have made the drawing this time and I hope it is fine. I forgot to draw and posted the unfinished DLO on my blog, by mistake. I will make sure that I check my work before posting it next time. I agree, that attributing images is very important and I will make sure that I do not repeat the same mistake in future again. Again, thank you for finding my mistake and informing me. How do you think we can spread information and advise people to take care of the harmful UV rays in our country?

      Thank you so much!
      I am looking forward to talk to you in the comments.

    2. Kia ora Sakshi,

      That is okay, the holidays can be a busy time!

      You are most welcome - thank you for acknowledging this and correcting your blog post! You have done a great job with your recreation and you’ve done very well with all the fine lines!

      I think there should definitely be more signage and active UV indicators at the beaches themselves, because it is so easy to get distracted while you’re having so much fun swimming and playing! What do you think?

      Thank you again for your edit and keep up the great blogging Sakshi!

      Ngā mihi,
      Elle (SLJ)

    3. Kia ora Elle,

      Thank you for taking time and commenting on my blog as well as for answering my question. I agree, UV rays protection is very important for countries like New Zealand and thus it should be safe to be at the beach. Maybe the beaches could have a big sign on the entrance which tells the UV updates. There can also be free sunscreen on the sides like we have sanitisers in the shopping malls. Do you have any idea through which the government can provide protection and awareness on the beaches?

      Thank you for the reply!
      I am looking forward to talk to you in the comments.

    4. Mōrena Sakshi, you are most welcome! I always enjoy hearing back from you.

      That is a great idea! Especially with the sunscreen, because it’s all about protection. If hand sanitiser is provided to keep people safe, I wonder why sunscreen isn’t? I think a concern could be that people would overuse it and take more than they need, but there could always be lifeguards monitoring it, or even have it provided in a shop nearby, because there often seem to be dairies, ice cream or fish and chip shops by the beach! I like the idea of providing sunscreen to keep everybody safe. And a big UV awareness board!

      I think one of the ways the government could help provide protection for people at beaches would be to ensure that there is some form of shade, like shade sails or extra trees! Here in Gisborne we have lots of tall palms and Pohutukawa trees down by the beach, so that people who get too hot have somewhere to stay cool! It would be great to see this provided at more beaches!

      Have you been to the beach this summer? I have only been a few times because I’ve been busy, but I would love to get out and go paddle-boarding at the beach to make the most of the summer that’s left!

      I hope you have a great day!

      Ngā mihi,
      Elle (SLJ)


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