Thursday, December 31, 2020

SLJ (W3/A21): It's Cool to be Kind

 LI: To create a google draw that showcases the replies on your blog.

The above google draw is my second activity in week three for the Summer Learning Journey that I have completed today. We were asked to create a google draw which showcases a comment on my blog and the reply I have written to it. A positive comment is when the person gives a kind feedback, advise or a question and I think I found  the best example for it which was written by Fiona Rua who is from the Summer Learning Journey Team. While writing a comment I made sure that I include important points like thanking the commenter, linking the ideas and asking a question so we can create a comment thread. The thing I found interesting in this activity is that a comment is knowledgeable and important for the reader and the commenter as well, because the reader gets a chance to understand its mistakes and make improvements but on the other hand the commenter gets a chance to create a learning conversation and ask their questions. I liked completing this google draw because I could revise more about this topic and I am looking forward to complete my other tasks as well.


  1. Kia ora Sakshi

    My name is Shannon and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I was really impressed with your kind comment back to Fiona. You answered Fiona’s questions in your comment and shared your thoughts with her about her helpful suggestions. I really liked how you gave Fiona a chance to continue the conversation thread by asking her a question. You were very thoughtful in your response!

    Ka pai, keep up the incredible work!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Kia ora Shannon,

      Thank you for taking time and commenting on my blog. I am glad you liked my work and thank you for the positive feedback as well. I agree, adding a question in the comment is important as it will help to create a comment thread and keep the learning conversation going. The thing I like the most about commenting is that we can ask questions to the reader and can also give a positive advise so that they do not repeat their mistake again. How do you think blog commenting is important for the students?

      Thank you for comment!
      Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year.

  2. Hi Sakshi,

    I think blogging is important because when you ask someone a question, it makes them think, reason, and clearly explain an idea. Those are some really important skills to possess, so I like being able to help students develop them.

    I also think it's important for helping students understand who can see their posts and developing cyber smart skills.

    What things have you learnt from having a blog?

    Bye for now,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Thank you for taking time and replying to my comment as well as for answering my question. That was a nice answer! I agree, commenting helps me improve my cyber smart skills as well. After having a blog I have learnt many things and they are:

      1. Showcasing our learning in a detailed way through our posts
      2. Giving positive feedbacks
      3. Learning my mistakes and making sure I don't repeat them
      4. Increasing confidence
      5. Creating rich learning conversations

      What does a quality comment look like to you and what are the main elements needed to create a quality comment?

      Thank you so much!

    2. Hi Sakshi,

      Those are some great things to have learnt!

      I think a quality comment starts by being positive, thoughtful, and helpful. But it also needs to build on those! A quality comment should explain in detail the positive components. It should also be thoughtful in noting what the blog post said, but also by striking up a conversation and asking questions. Lastly in being helpful, I think they need to be kind above all else and offer solutions to problems rather than just highlighting flaws.

      What does it look like for you?

      Have a great day!
      Shannon (SLJ)

    3. Hi Shannon,

      Thank you for replying back and answering my question. That was a perfect answer! I agree with each point and think the same. The reason we add a question is for striking a conversation, the reason we add an advice is because we be helpful, the reason we add a positive feedback is because we be thoughtful. I think blog commenting is the best way through which the students can have a rich learning discussion as well. Thank you so much for creating this comment thread as I came to learn a lot and also came to know about your opinions which was very knowledgeable. I loved completing this Summer Learning Journey!

      Thank you


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