Wednesday, December 23, 2020

SLJ (W2/A15): Step it up Maui me te ra

 LI: To create a screencastify in while reading the phrase that I have created.

The above screencastify is the second part of my fifteenth task for the Summer Learning Journey. For this challenge I have recorded myself saying the phrase that I have created on "How Maui slowed the sun". This activity was challenging for me because I couldn't really say the words properly and have messed it up many times in the screencastify as well. I found this task interesting because I learnt how to recreate a story by showing the perspective of one character. The thing I liked the most in this task was that I have improved a little bit in pronouncing the Te Reo Maori words. After completing this task I can form basic sentences in Maori as well as know the meaning of new vocabulary used in the story. I am really excited to complete other tasks for the Summer Learning Journey as well.


  1. Mōrena Sakshi

    Ben here again.

    Your pronunciation is really good! A few words here and there were read to be something else but I think all you need to do there is remember to slow down. Take your time and I think you’ll see a big difference. There’s no rush after all!

    I'm really proud to see all of your hard work. You’re an amazing student to have with us on the SLJ. Keep doing what you’re doing Sakshi :).

    Mā te wā,


    1. Morena Benjamin,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and for the positive feedback. Thank you for the advise as well! I have recorded the screencastofy again and I hope there are less mistakes this time. Next time I will make sure that I slow down. I recorded the screencastify many times and when I heard them, I thought that I was speaking very slow and it looked like I was saying words so I decided to make this one. I am glad you liked my work! Have you recited a maori story or phrase before? How did you improve with the speaking skills?

      Thank you for the positive advise!

    2. Mōrena again Sakshi,

      Of course, you always make an extra effort and I can tell. You should be proud.

      It is always tough learning a new language, but confidence and practise are key!

      I have recited phrases and sung songs also, through my schooling and as an adult, at a marae I am learning Te reo Māori at. I find the best way to improve speaking skills and pronunciation for me are a couple things;

      Using Māori dictionary online, for specific words, not only to find out the meaning but also it has a button you can click to hear the correct pronunciation! Which is super handy.

      Recording yourself saying these phrases and listening back to check your speed, pronunciation, tone, volume etc. It is a way I learnt at university! And I will definitely use it again.

      Hope these tips help!

      Keep up the great work Sakshi.

      Mā te wā,


    3. Mōrena Benjamin,

      Thank you for taking time and replying to comment as well as for answering my question. Thank you for supporting and encouraging me. It is really helpful when you share your experience because it can be very advisable. That's great! You might be really good at Te Reo Maori. Thank you for the tips as well, I will make sure to use them and I agree that it to be super handy! Did you also have a mentor when you were learning this language? If yes, how did they help you?

      Thank you so much!

    4. Kia ora Sakshi

      No I have never had a formal mentor so to speak but my teachers and other people that I learn with have inspired and motivated me along the way.


    5. Kia ora Benjamin,

      Thank you for taking time and replying to my comment as well as answering my question! I am glad to know that you had some amazing teachers to teach you as well. Again, thank you for creating this comment thread in which I could learn many thing from you and also ask questions related to our learning. I am looking forward to talk to you in other comments as well.

      Hope you have a nice day!


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