Thursday, December 17, 2020

SLJ (W1/A7): Optical Illusions

 LI: To design our own optical illusion and know its meaning.

Kick Start

Step it up

Today, for my seventh Summer Learning Task, I started by knowing what an optical illusion is. An optical illusion is when your eyes and brain are tricked to show you something else rather than what it actually is. I also came to know some interesting facts about optical illusion while doing this activity. Optical Illusion is not a present trend as it has been created since a very long time in the past and the historians also have proof for it. Once I came to know some information about optical illusions I then started making my design. I searched for some optical illusions and then chose the one, in the above picture. To create your own optical illusion you must have a ruler so that you can make shapes with the exact measurement. You can also watch video clips that are shown in the internet as I made mine while following those as well. Make sure that you use shading as it has a major role in creating illusions and tricking your mind. I tried to use all the important points like using a ruler, shading, following the instructions step by step and clicking the picture at a perfect angle to create my optical illusion. I am looking forward to complete my other Summer Learning Journey Tasks as well. 


  1. Hi Sakshi,
    Wow!!!!, I really liked your explanation and image. I really liked you optical illusion. I also did this and really enjoyed doing this task with my peers.
    What did you find the hardest from this task ?

    1. Hi Afatia,

      Thank you for taking time and commenting on my blog as well as for the positive feedback. I agree, it was so fun to do it with our friends because we could share our deigns and also talk to each other at the same time. The thing I found the hardest in this task was to do the shading and giving the effect because it needed to be accurate. I did it carefully because if I messed it up the illusion would also not look right. Do you know some interesting facts about optical illusions?

      Thank you for commenting. I am looking forward for your reply.

  2. Hey Sakshi,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    This illusion is really cool, I love how you’ve drawn it on paper and gone to the effort to give it proper shading, it looks really 3D now like it’s popping off the page.

    Your detailed explanation and tips to making a really good illusion like using rulers for exact measurement and shading are really helpful.

    Great stuff Sakshi,
    See you later in the comments.


    1. Hi Daniel,

      Thank you for making time and commenting on my blog. I am enjoying my summer and I think that the Summer Learning Journey is really awesome because it helps keep our learning going through out our holidays. I am glad you liked my illusion.

      Thank you for the positive feedback as well. I think it would be much more better to draw the illusion on paper because it then has much better effects. Have you ever drawn illusions? If yes, what did you find hard. If no, would you like to draw them and why?

      Thank you!

  3. Hey Sakshi,

    I think I may have drawn optical illusion's before, I think the hardest thing would be trying to get it perfect first time, usually you end up to a couple of practice ones before one looks really good.


    1. Hi Daniel,

      Thank you answering my question. I agree, the hardest part while making an illusion in shading because it must be perfect so that it can look accurate. I took me a couple of tries with the shading as well. Do you know who created the optical illusions and since when it is being practised?

      Thank you for replying!

  4. Hi Sakshi!
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post about Optical Illusions. I also did this activty and enjoyed it. We have the same optical illusion. I liked how oyu created you own video explaining how to make your own optical illusion. I also liked how you drew your optical illusion by hand whilst I drew mine on google draw. What was hard about your activity?
    - Florence

    1. Hi Florence!

      Thank you so much for taking time and commenting on my blog again. I am glad you liked my work and thank you so much for the positive feedback. I really appreciate it! I am looking forward to see your optical illusion as well. I think it would look great in both paper and google drawings. The thing I found challenging in this activity was to do the shading in the illusion because that was the key point in it. It needed perfection and that is why I added a lot of detail. Why did you choose to make the design on a google draw?

      Thank you so much!

  5. Wow sakshi!! Really liked the illusion.. Only you can make these kind of drawings��
    Can you tell me how to draw these on laptops/computers? Look forward to it.

    -Manya <3

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog and the positive feedback. These drawings are really easy to draw on google drawings which is a software in Chromebooks. You first need to copy and paste the picture that you want to draw. Then you use the line or curve in the tools to trace the picture. Once it is done you can also use the fill tool to add colours and make the design look more effective. What software do you usually use and how?


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