Friday, December 25, 2020

SLJ (W2/A17) Step it up Te Huarere

 LI: To create a screencastify with a family member to improve my maori pronunciation.

The above screencastify is my step it up task as the seventeenth activity for the Summer Learning Journey. For making this screencastify I asked my younger brother for help, so that he can ask questions and I answer them in Te Reo Maori. I think this task was very helpful to improve my maori skills because I solved the questions first and then said them while making the video. After completing this activity I learnt the use of macron in other words as well. A macron is a symbol which shows that the letter is a long vowel and must be read in a stretch. For example, in the word kāpuapua I will read "kā" at a stretch and read the rest of the words normally. I think these task was very knowledgeable for me because I learn something new every time. I am very excited to complete other Summer Learning Journey tasks as well. 


  1. Kia ora Sakshi

    Such great pronunciation! You’re really nailing those long vowels, I’m impressed! Nice to have your brother featuring again too. He’ll be learning a lot alongside you haha.

    I hope you’re having a lovely day!

    Merry Christmas,
    Benjamin Martelli

    1. Kia ora Benjamin,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and for the positive feedback as well. I am glad you liked my work! I agree, my brother always asks me questions and I guess he loves being a part of the Te Reo Maori activities! Thanks to the Summer Learning Journey I never get bored and always stay occupied. How did you spend your day on Christmas?

      Merry belated Christmas and a Happy New Year!
      I am looking forward to talk to you in the comments.

    2. Kia ora anō Sakshi,

      I spent Christmas with my family, we went for a bike ride and picnic. It was great weather for it.

      Keep up the great work, practise makes progression!

      Have a lovely day.

      Mā te wā,


    3. Kia ora Benjamin,

      Thank you for taking time and replying to my comment as well as for answering my question. That sounds fun! I am glad your family and you had a great time on Christmas. He aha te tohu huarere? My favourite weather is winter because I really like creating fog on the window and making drawings no it. I also like staying in the blanket the whole day and taking a sip of hot chocolate. What is your favourite weather and why?

      I am looking forward for your reply.

    4. Kia ora Benjamin,

      Thank you for replying back. That was a great answer. The description you have written is amazing! It is very useful as I can create an image of the scene in my mind. Thank you for the positive feedback and I am glad my answer was appealing. It was really nice talking to you throughout the Summer Learning Journey as I came to learn a lot about the topic and also came to know about your opinions. Again thank you for creating this comment thread as it was very knowledgeable.


  2. You are really progressing with your pronunciation. The macrons are like those road signs we see when driving. They help us navigate the language.

    I anm really enjoying following your SLJ. Fabulous work Sakshi.

    1. Greetings Mr, Johnston,

      Thank you for taking time and commenting on my Summer Learning Journey blog post again. I am glad you liked my work! Wow, that was such a great comparison! I agree, macrons are like road signs because they both guide and tell what to do. The road signs generally tells the rules to follow whereas the macron give a signal to the reader to say the word at a stretch and emphasize on it. Do you know some other languages that have macrons in their writing?

      Merry belated Christmas and a Happy New Year!
      Thank you for the comments.


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