Thursday, December 17, 2020

SLJ (W1/A8) Step it up Rise up

 LI: To create a screencastify with others while reciting the poem I have created.

Today, for my eighth Step it up Summer Learning Journey Task, I have made a screencastify in which I have recited the poem that I created in the Kick Start Activity. I asked my cousins to help me by saying the poem together as we were asked to tell the lyrics in a group. We made a couple of videos and chose this one as it took a long time for us to coordinate and say the chorus correctly. My lyrics have a special meaning behind it, as it says that we will achieve success if we work hard and put all our effort on what we are doing. It says that the path to your goal will not be easy and you will have to pave your way yourself. I found doing this activity very interesting because I laughed a lot with my cousins on our mistake and enjoyed working together but at the same time we also learnt an important message through the poem I created, which is to never give up and lose hope because "if you work hard, success will come to you and you will not have to run after success." I am looking forward to complete my other tasks of the Summer Learning Journey.


  1. Hi Sakshi!
    I really enjoyed listening to your screencastify. I liked how you got your cousins to help you record your poem. In the start I thought it was just you and you added voice effects to make it echo until i read your blurb. This was fantastic! What was the hardest thing about this activity?
    - Florence

    1. Hi Florence!

      Thank you so much for taking time and commenting on my blog again. I am glad you liked my work and thank you so much for the positive feedback. I really appreciate it! I think the hardest part for this Step it up challenge was convincing my cousins to work with me and at the same time the co-operation. We had to take several takes and then finally chose the best one. But I think I am still not satisfied with the screencastify. Have you completed this task? What did you like about this activity?

      Thank you!

  2. Kia Ora Sakshi,

    It’s Charlotte here, a commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. I thought the work you have done on the ‘Rise Up’ task was great!

    WOW you have created an amazing chorus and I really enjoyed listening to you and your cousins singing it together! I think it is awesome how you included a detailed description of the process you went through to create your chorus!

    I noticed that you talked about never giving up in your song. Can you remember any times where something was hard but you didn’t give up? I think that it is very important to keep going even when things are hard!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Kia ora Charlotte,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and for giving the positive feedback! That was such a nice question. Yes, I do remember one time when when something was hard but I didn’t give up. It is when I was in year 7 and I was asked to complete a painting which was really hard to make. It took me several hours as I tried many times to make it perfectly with adding all the details. I remember at the end I was so sleepy and tired but I never gave because I really wanted to complete that painting. I agree, it is really very important to keep going even when things are hard because that is how a person achieves success and moves on in life. Do you also have any such experience?

      Thank you!

  3. Kia Ora Sakshi,

    WOW that is very impressive! I wonder if you have any photos of the piece of artwork that you made.
    One situation I can think of where I never gave up was when I entered into a 10km running race! It was very hard and challenging but I never gave up and made it to the end!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Kia ora Charlotte,

      Thank you for answering my question and replying to my comment. I have a picture of my painting but it looks something like:
      Woah! A 10km race, that's a lot of workout. You are so hard working. You would have felt so proud of yourself after completing the race. How would you tell others the importance of never giving up?

      Thank you for replying!


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