Tuesday, December 22, 2020

SLJ (W2/A13): Kick Start Treasure Code

 LI: To create a google draw which showcases the pigpen code I created.

The above google draw is my Kick Start and thirteenth task for the Summer Learning Journey that I completed today. We were asked to create a pigpen code which would give a clue to the beach we were talking about. To start this activity I watched the introduction screencastify on the site which recommended to know more about different types of codes that were used to communicate in the past. I then watched the video in which I learnt how Pigpen Cipher code is used. First we start by creating a table that is used while playing the game called tic tac toe. Then we write the letters from left to right and use the shape of the box that is around it. We do the next nine letters in the same table but add a dot, so that we can tell that they are not the same set of letters. The remaining eight letters are used in the table of sets of four. We then make a cross symbol and write the four letters in the order of a thunderbolt, same with the last four letters but with a dot in the centre. This helped me create the clue I would give to the readers to solve and finally find the name of the beach I am thinking of. I enjoyed completing this activity because I came to know how to crack codes and also know about them in detail. 


  1. Kia Ora Sakshi,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter for the Summer Learning Journey.

    Now this is a great post, it is awesome how in depth and detailed your description is. You introduced and explained the activity, you explained how to read and create codes and mentioned what you enjoyed about the activity and I am very happy to hear that you had fun AND learnt something new!

    Your code not only looks awesome with the old rustic looking background but it also looks tricky but I think I may have deciphered it, it is a beach that was called Waipaieia in 1870 and unfortunately I do not know of a beach by that name.

    Would you be so kind as to share the correct answer in the comments.

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Kia ora Ms. Walker,

      Thank you for taking time and commenting on my blog. I am glad you liked my work and thank you for the positive feedback as well. That was my mistake, I forgot to add the dots of the letter R in "Waiparera" so it became the wrong word. The answer is "kohimarama beach" and I think it will be right now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will make sure that I check my work twice before posting it. Thank you so much for telling me my mistake as I could change it now. Have you been to Kohimarama Beach before? If yes, what do you like about that beach? If no, which beach do you often visit and what do you like about it?

      Thank you for commenting on my blog!


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