Monday, December 14, 2020

SLJ (W1/A1): Treasure Hunt with Nanogirl

 LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete our weekly superpower building missions with Nano Girl.

This morning LS2 worked in groups with the Year 4 students to help them create their first Summer Learning Journey blog posts. PBS is still at school this week, so we were finding the materials we needed for our treasure hunt. The above screencastify is a collaborative work of Tanisha and I which showcases our opinions and materials collected. I liked the fact that we learnt how to find cool alternative items if we didn't have the required material. I found this activity interesting because we still don't know what we are making which is like a surprise that we need to find out. I am looking forward to complete this activity and am excited to see the outcome. What do you think the outcome will look like?


  1. Hi Sakshi,

    I really like how you explained your activity and task in detail. I also really enjoyed doing this task, and it was a lot of fun for me to do. I think the outcome of the experiment is to make a catapult. I feel like the weights are going to hold the string down which is holding the spoon which will be acting as the catapult. If not, either way I think it would be really fun to do. What do you think is the outcome?

    Great Job! Keep up the work!

    1. Hi Chris,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog and the positive feedback. I agree with your opinion of the outcome. I am very excited to see what will happen in the end. Thinking the other way around we can also make a scale, if we balance and use the strings to hold the weights. What did you find interesting while doing this activity?

  2. Kia ora Sakshi, this is Elle from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Great work on finding the materials you need for the nanogirl superpower building mission.

    You also did a great job on your screencastify slides. I really like that you included a photo of all of your materials with labels on each item, because it makes it easy and entertaining to follow along with!

    I’m excited to see what nanogirl wants you to do with the materials; I can think of lots of different things you can make with them. The first thing that came to my mind was a superhero telescope! Do you have any guesses for what nanogirl wants you to make?

    You might want to check out the second activity. If you visit some of the other bloggers’ Summer Learning Journey posts and leave a positive, thoughtful or helpful comment, you will receive bonus points! Remember to submit a link to your published comment using this form. .

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more!

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Kia ora Ms. Williams,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and the positive feedback. I am very excited as well, to see what nanogirl wants us to make. I agree, there can be many outcomes with the materials that we have. I think that we can make a scale by balancing different weighs or we can also make a catapult with the help of the spatula.

      Thank you for recommending the activity Ms. William, I have completed the it now. I have also submitted the comments on the google form. How do you think we can make a superhero telescope? It sounds so interesting, I can't wait to see what we are making!

    2. Mōrena Sakshi,

      Thank you for your reply; it’s great to see your thoughts on what the nanogirl materials could make. I think that a scale and a catapult are some great ideas!

      For the superhero telescope, I was thinking that the cardboard tube in the paper towels could be the main frame and the thinner cardboard could be used to build up the size of the end of the eyepiece. The string could possibly be a necklace so you can hang it around your neck, and the plastic bottle could simulate the looking glass at the end of the telescope, although I’m not sure what the weights would be for, so I think your ideas are much better!

      I am so excited to see you getting involved with the Summer Learning Journey and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your activities and blog posts!

      Ngā mihi,
      Elle (SLJ)

    3. Mōrena Ms. WIlliams,

      Thank you for answering my question and for sharing your opinion. I agree, we can really make a superhero telescope. I never thought of that! No, I think your opinion is way more creative than mine! No one would have thought of that idea. I'm very excited as well and I am looking forward to see what we are making.

      Thank you!

    4. Kia ora Sakshi, it’s great to hear from you again.

      You’re most welcome! I think that this best part about the nanogirl treasure hunt is that there are so many different things you can make it with the materials. Whether it is a scale, a catapult or a telescope, all are equally exciting and just as fun to make! You have some great ideas and are definitely a very creative person, which is exciting to see and follow along with.

      Well done for being so active in the Summer Learning Journey, and I’ll be keeping an eye out for your next nanogirl creation to see what you make for the activity!

      Ngā mihi,
      Elle (SLJ)

    5. Kia ora Ms. Williams,

      Thank you for taking time and replying to comment and the positive feedback! I agree, all of them would be so exciting to make. Thank you so much for taking so much time and replying to every question I asked in this comment thread. You are so creative as well! It was really nice talking to you! I hope we talk again.

      Thank you!

  3. Hi Sakshi,
    I really liked you explanation about this task. I'm also doing this task with a group of year fours and my class mates.Wow that question at the is really good with you explanation for this task.

    What do you want to make with the material you have ?

    1. Hi Afatia,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog and the positive feedback. I am looking forward to comment on your blog and read your blog post! I think the outcome is still a surprise as we will come to know what we are making step by step. This was just the first part of the nanogirl episode and I am so excited to see what we are making! I think we will be making a scale, catapult or a superhero telescope. Do you think we will need more materials? If yes, what could it be?

  4. Hi Sakshi!

    Wow! You and Tanisha's collaborative video is really great! You both spoke well and you guys explained the first activity really informatively. Even though you and Tanisha never had all that was required you both showed a positive attitude towards the activity. I have also done this activity! Me and my partner also never had all of what was required but we managed to do something. I am also excited to see what we could make with the items.

    With all these items you have, what would you create using them?

    Hope to see more of your learning during the Summer Holidays!

    1. Hi Fau,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and the positive feedback! I really appreciate it. I agree, even though we didn't have the materials we still managed to get something instead of it. In my case, we couldn't find a string as we thought of using a shoelace instead, which is shown in the screencastify. When I think about an outcome it can be many of them. We can make a scale by using the string to balance the weights. On the other hand we can make a catapult by using the spatula as a thrower. But we can also make a superhero telescope as said by many people. What do you think we are going to make? Will we need any other materials as we go step by step? If yes, what would they be?

      Thank you!

  5. Hi Sakshi!
    This blog post is amazing, I also did this activity. I like how you used a variety of photos to showcase waht you were talking about. I also like how you spoke clearly so that oyur audience could hear you. Were there any materials that you didn't have at school, but you were bale to replace? If - so what were they and what did you replace it with?
    - Florence

    1. Hi Florence!

      Thank you so much for taking time and commenting on my blog again. I am glad you liked my work and thank you so much for the positive feedback. I really appreciate it! That was a really nice question to ask. When we did this activity our team couldn't find a string and we didn't have one at school as well. So, one of the students in Room 5 agreed to give her shoelace to replace the string. What new did you learn from this activity? From this activity I learnt to replace ordinary equipment to something creative.

      Thank you for the comments on my blog posts!

    2. Hi Sakshi!
      Thank you again for replying to my comment! One of the room 5 students also volunteered to use their shoelace as the string, but we didn't need it as we found string in the Summer Learning Journey pack. I learnt that if you can't find something, replace it! What did you like about this activity?
      - Florence

    3. Hi Florence,

      Thank you for answering my question and replying to my comment. I really appreciate it! I agree, that was something that everybody should learn as it can be very helpful at times. I liked to do many things in this activity but I liked to go on a treasure hunt with my group the most as we were searching for things and were communicating side by side. I also liked working with them because we divided the work making it much more easier. How would you describe this activity in five words?

      Thank you! I am looking forward for your response.


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